When you are deciding on what to prepare for your family meal, one of the factors to take into account is whether the food is in season. Seasonal eating is getting attention these days to reduce the carbon footprint of food distribution through long distance transportation and to support local farming. But there are health and lifestyle reasons too. At least 7 reasons good reasons.
But keep in mind, it only works if you consider what would grow in your own region in the current season. It is easy if you live in Pennsylvania to get foods even in winter which are in season in in south America where it is summer, and so on.
So watch this short video to hear the 7 reasons to choose seasonal foods.
This is #281 in my series on vibrant Health Through Natural Living! Please subscribe!
Randy's Take Home Tips: Kids enjoy choosing and preparing food, and learning about it can be an adventure! Research together what foods would normally grow in your area say 200 years ago and search out organic versions of it in your grocery store. Of course 200 years ago, all foods were organic so that's a good way to go too!
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