Friday, July 27, 2012

Depression, anxiety, mood swings - Prescriptions?

Family First | VoiceAmerica™

How many times have you or someone in your family gone to the doctor and been unsatisfied with the results? The typical tests ordered may be inconclusive, so that you may look good on paper. Perhaps you are told, “It’s all in your head,” but still you may feel tired or anxious, or you can’t focus, have joint pain, can’t sleep, or just don’t feel well. You may wish your doctor would listen to you and get to the root cause of your problem. But your doctor may fail to see you as a whole person, more like a collection of body parts needing a different chemical for each symptom.

 My guest this week on Family First is Dr. Sharon Norling, M.D., a recognized leader in the practice, teaching, and advocacy of integrative, preventive, and holistic health practice, applying natural, safe, whole person strategies whenever possible. She specializes in advanced testing to find the root cause of a person’s health challenges. Listen in to hear how you can manage your family’s health more effectively. 

To hear the program, simply click on the link above, or go to: Friday July 27 at 1 PM PT, 2 PM MT, 3 PM CT, 4 PM ET, or any time afterwards on podcast or apps.

Dr. Norling is the only physician in the United States known to be nationally broad-certified in 
OB/GYN and Integrative Medicine and Medical Acupuncture. She is certified in Functional Medicine and FirstLine Therapy, the study of nutrition, supplements, and specialty testing. Dr. Norling is also a Certified Biofeedback Specialist. She served on the faculty of the University of Minnesota Medical School where her passion for using effective evidence based natural approaches inspired her students.
Dr. Norling later founded the Mind Body Spirit Center, a comprehensive integrative medicine center, 
in Westlake Village, California. Dr. Norling is a highly sought after national speaker and consultant. Her audiences range from doctors to spas and cruise ships. She has been interviewed on radio and TV, including CNN. Recognized for her expertise, she has testified before the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. Her upcoming book is titled, “Your Doctor Is Wrong.”
To hear Dr. Norling’s valuable insights, simply click on the link above, or go to: Friday July 27 at 1 PM PT, 2 PM MT, 3 PM CT, 4 PM ET, or any time afterwards on podcast or apps.

Randy Rolfe Take Home Tips: My physician father always said that nature knows best. As kids we received rare medications. Ear aches, colds, childhood contagions, and so on were handled simply with extra vitamin C, bed rest, hugs, and time to watch funny TV shows. Our immune systems grew strong and remain so, and we learned to have confidence in our natural healing processes.  When you give the body what it needs, including good water, good air, good sleep, good light, natural energies, good nutrition, and good attitude - it does a really good job taking care of itself most of the time.

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