Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Importance of Fathers

Tune in to Voice America Family First for a great interview with Greg Bishop, a leader in the movement of fathers to become more involved in their chidlren's lives. Go to: Voice America Health this Friday 9-30-11 at 1 PM PT (4 PM ET) or anytime after that for the archived recording for download or MP3.

How important are fathers? We hear so much about single moms and deadbeat dads, what’s going on? Are dads not interested in their children? Are they too busy working? Is it un-macho to change a diaper? Are new dads immature and running from their responsibilities? Are the mothers of their children chasing them away by being too protective? My guest this week, Greg Bishop, is a leader in working with dads who want to be a bigger part of their children’s lives. Greg noticed that many new fathers lacked confidence in caring for their infants, so on Fathers Day in 1990, he recruited some friends with new babies and launched Boot Camp for New Dads, with a full class of “rookie” dads-to-be joining them. Today Greg serves as their Head Coach, and Boot Camp has grown to over 260 programs, offered in community centers, hospitals, churches, and the US military. He will burst a number of popular myths about dads and show how our culture can do a better job supporting fatherhood.

Randy Rolfe's net talk radio show Family First on Voice America, the leading net radio network, is growing fast, with 40% per month, now at 17,000 listeners. Spread the word about this uplifting show to help parents exercise their true power to help their kids build great lives!

Randy Rolfe's Take Home Tip: Keep discussions about differenign parenting styles between parents, after the kids are out of earshot. And let kids develop their own direct relationships with their fathers and fathers develop their own relationships with their kids. Their contributions are invaluable! The quality of family life depends on the mutual respect and love among all family members.

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